Healing DIY Recipe

Healing DIY Recipe

This healing DIY calendula salve is easy to make and perfect for disinfecting small cuts, wounds and helping reduce inflammation.


It’s super simple and crazy easy to make at home!


Here’s what you’ll need…

Oil of choice
Dried calendula
1/4 cup organic white beeswax
1/4 cup pure unrefined raw shea butter
5-10 drops organic essential oil (optional)
Tins or glass jars with lids
Double boiler

Now, the first step I admit does take time.


Here’s what you’ll do.


Grab a jar with a lid and place a couple handfuls of dried calendula flowers into jar. Next, use the oil of your choice and cover all of the flowers (almond, jojoba, coconut, olive, etc). Place the lid on the container and store it in a sunny, warm location to enhance infusion, I placed mine on the window sill. Allow the oil and flowers to infuse for at least three weeks, or up to a couple of months! The longer the better.


Once your oil is infused it’s time to make your salve!



1. Combine 1/4c beeswax, 1/4c shea butter and 1c calendula oil in a double boiler.
2. Heat until melted.
3. Remove from heat.
4. Quickly stir in essential oil (optional)
5. Pour into tins
Important! Allow salve to cool completely before placing lids on containers.
Store in a cool, dry place. It’s said calendula salve can “stay good” for several years. But keep in mind, its medicinal potency may decrease with extended time and age.

Reminder: Don’t forget to label the tins! Below you will find a free label I’ve created just for you.


And there you have it, it’s time to enjoy your healing salve!

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